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Gratitude For You

Gratitude: “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.”

We are sure that we do not need to tell you that 2020 has been a rollercoaster. The year began with the hope and promise of new beginnings and crushing all of our new year’s resolutions. Dance competitions were running in full swing, and teachers and students looked forward to their lessons. All of a sudden our worlds’ were turned upside down in March. People got sick, competitions were cancelled, and lessons halted. 

We entered a “new normal.” One with many rules and regulations, masks, and social distancing.  There was a lot of uncertainty with what we could and could not do.  With these new stipulations in place, many things seemed impossible, including the dancing that has bonded our community together. Was our usual routine safe? Could we still do what we love? 

As humans, we are incredibly adaptable when we open our minds and souls to it. As a dance community, we have certainly adapted. When lessons could not be held in person, teachers and coaches turned to Zoom to help their students nourish their minds. This also allowed those who normally wouldn’t be able to take lessons the ability, since Zoom made it feel like you were almost with one another. When it was safe enough to do so, competition organizers put plans in place, so that dancers would have a place to creatively express themselves, all while staying as safe as they could. 

With Winter coming things are changing yet again. Infection rates are going back up, and with it the rules and regulations that may have been relaxed are being strongly enforced. The last-minute cancellation of one of the largest events of the year, Ohio Star Ball, was a wake up call for the community. This is serious, but we can overcome this challenge, just as we have been. 

One of the biggest blessings of 2020 has been the act of gratitude. Everyone’s daily life, schedule, and indulgences were taken away in the blink of an eye. It is hard when you are dealing with so much anxiety, pain, and sorrow. However, it made everyone realize how lucky we are to be alive, and enjoying life’s simple pleasures such as spending time quarantined with our family, a home cooked meal, or even just clean sheets on your bed.  It also makes us think about how much our favorite activities such as dancing mean to us. When you open up your heart to gratitude every day becomes like Thanksgiving, and every moment a gift. 

We at AIDA Dance USA want to remind everyone that we are here for you no matter how dancing may look in the upcoming months. We are grateful for every single one of our clients, past, present, and future. Every interaction that we have with you makes us thankful that we are able to be here for our dance community in any way that we can. Thank you all for the memories, the laughs, and the joy that comes from watching you dance. 

As we look forward to 2021, we hope everyone looks back at 2020 as a year of unexpected growth and achievement, even if it is not how you pictured it. You adapted to every change that came your way, even when it was extremely difficult, and you learned what means the most to you in life. 

We hope to see you back on the dance floor as soon as it is safe! Until then, may you be healthy and peace be with you. 


The AIDA Dance USA Team

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